Project List Sony 3DCG R&D : OnSpecta : 2017-present : 2012-2017 : 2007-2012 : 2004-2007 : 2000-2004
- 3D Volumetric Performance Capture link
- BERT Optimization
- Pytorch Vs TensorFlow link
- Benchmarking link
- Architecture link
- Weight Pruning link
- Resnet50 optimization link
- Quantization link
Washington State University
- NSVF link
- Gan based controllable pose and dress link
- Segment videos based on events and classify them link
- Jpg image classifer
- Compression experiments link
- Combinatorial experiments link
- ML tutorials - list of experiments to understand various types of networks and different ml paradigms link
- Computational genomics link
- AGI - brain project
- Video compression - GAN based, progressive GAN, VQ-VAE-2
- In Media Product Placement - DensePose, 3d-kenburns, detectron2, InGAN, SinGAN, StyleGAN-2, vid2vid, few-shot-vid2vid
- multi agent RL
- Pose Comparison
- Deep Neural Network Inference Optimization:
- Transformer Quantization - Classification and Seq
- Pytorch Quantization - Tensorflow Quantization
- Pruning
- ARM platform
- ResNet Quantization
- Virtual Studio - ADGAN, CPISADGAN, Image HArmonization, LIP_SSL, Human Segmentation, Single-Human-Parsing-LIP,
- Nerfies, PoseTransfer
- vdo mocap -
- HumanModels - PifuHD, CAPE, OpenPose, HairNet,
- Multi view rendering
- Cloth hair pose gen - ADGAN, PArsing-R-CNN, pi-GAN-pytorch, tex2shape
- colmap, DeepSDF, nerf,
- nerf_universe - kilonerf, NSVF, pixel-nerf, nerf in the wild,
[code] - Pose based nerf - densepose-siren, image_interp, pose2d_cnn, pose2d_gen, pose2d_siren, syn_data_train
- NeRF++, NSVF, NSVF_update
- neural_sparse_voxel_field - 1D signal encoding, analysis, fourier_feature_experiment, image_encoding, mesh_generation
- Vdo_mocap - dancebabydance
- detectron2, Detr, EasyMocap, FRankMocap, human_body_prior,
- nerf++, neuralbody, pifuhd, pixel2style2pixel
- pose_to_mocap, video2bvh, VIBE, SPIN, SMPL, SMPLX, SMPLify-X, SMPLicit
- theta_beta_iteration
- MeshTransformer
- video_pose_estimation
- videoavatars, VideoPose3D, White-Box-Cartoonization - Cartoon Generation, Dress extractor, Vtuber
- Video Conferencing plugin} for chrome 64 bit using PPAPI
- RTP, RDP and HTML5 based Content Collaboration} between MCU, Lync and Browser endpoints
- Automation Platform for bringing up Infrastructure for Video as a service on VMWare
- Platform Director: Life cycle management of virtual instances on VMWare using viJava
Ittiam Systems
- Mpeg2 (MP@HL) HD(1080i@30fps) Encoder/Transcoder for Broadcast on Netra (IVAHD Accel)
- MPEG4 Simple Profile (SP) HD(720p@30fps) Encoder for Smart Phones on OMAP34xx (Arm+DSP+IVA)
- Mpeg4 SP D1 (480p@30fps) Encoder for Portable Media Player and Recorder on OMAP3430.
- Mpeg4 Advanced Simple Profile HD Decoder on OMAP3430
- Mpeg4, H.263 and Mpeg2 Encoders for catalogue products on C64x+ DSP
- Handling 3:2 pulldown by reducing frame rate and generation of Timestamp information
- Migrating the mpeg4 ME optimizations to MPEG2 non-accelerated workspace
- Adding MV cost for Motion Estimation [MPEG4 non-accelerated]
- H263 Encoder and its extensions D1 on C64x+ DSP
- Added XDM 1.0 API support for Mpeg4 non accelerated version
- Optimization of MPEG4 non accelerated encoder
Tata Elxsi
- āNā mb level optimization of core loop Difference+DCT+Q+IQ+IDCT.
- Study of SD H.264 Scalable Video Codec on SCP
- Real Time HD (High Definition) MPEG2 Video Encoder on Multiple SCP (S5) Processors
- Real Time HD H.264 Video Encoder On Multiple SCP (S5) Processors
- H.264 Encoder modules development
- Real Time Preview of HD bit streams on PC
- Study on video transcoding of HD MPEG2 bit streams to SD (Standard Definition) bit streams
Anna University
- Visualization of White Matter Fiber Tract from DT-MR (Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance) Image.
- Micro-Controller based Personal Data Assistant using MC89C51
Kaggle projects